Wednesday 16 November 2016

Jess Nicholas - Idea Summary

Idea Summary:

I want to create an art installation piece, asking the question 'Does the government control our identities?'. I would like to use 3 screens or maybe old computer monitors, showing 3 people that have been stripped of their identity and replaced with numbers, as if they are just numbers in the system. I would like to smash the middle screen. I want their expressions to be blank and the colours very bland. I'm thinking of projecting codes/numbers across their faces, or in the background, using layers. 

Another idea I've had is to start with people black balaclavas on, with serial numbers on (see Black Mirror- White Bear). I want the people to rip the balaclavas off and reveal their true 'identities', with very angry and powerful expressions. As if they were about to revolt. 
I want my piece to be simple but powerful, portraying a very strong message. I think my piece belongs in expanded media because I want to use mixed media to create it. I.e Still images, TV/computer monitors & projectors. I want to create a piece that shows people taking back their identities (revolution).

Initial Idea

During our meeting we made a chose to pick the idea formed by Sundeep on "Split personality".

below is her idea which she showcases within her personal sketchbook.

Visual Proposal 


Group Discussions (Whatsapp) : Creating our First Group Meeting

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Production Meeting:15/11/2016

During our first meeting of production, as a group we finalised and agreed to certain points through our discussion on the 15/11/2016.

Before our first meeting we firstly created a blog so that we could add our research,images ect to highlight our process of development of our project 'identity'.In regards to our discussion we created many important points as to what we wanted to produce as a group.

Below are a list of points and agreements we assembled as a group:

  • As a group we agreed to pick the idea of Split personality (dissociative identity disorder split personality) which was presented by Sundeep
  • We are looking to produce a simple narrative
  • Instillation project
  • looking at multiple personalities- support case study "Kim noble"
  • Jess did further research  into Kim noble which inspired her with the theme of split personality.
  • looking at different instillation projects such as Bill Viola (textiles)
  • Possible ideas of our instillation format- series of tvs to represent the different personalities as if they are talking to each other or highlighting different interviews with the same person denoting there personalities.Max had  an idea which was inspired by Bill Viola "The veiling" where there are eight screens of see through cloth hanging down and a projection of someone face projected through the cloth.The first cloth will be the strongest personalty and as you go further down the image the image becomes weak to represent the less but more dangerous personalty.
  • String message not to abstract
  • More of a fine art route 
  • Maybe to explore "theatre"- make piece dramatic
Various images to get an idea of how we want our instillation to look like. 

Image result for instillation projection cloth

Image result for instillation projection cloth

Image result for tv installation art

Image result for instillation projection cloth